Latin Mix


Start your weekend CRAZY with us!

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Locura: Latin mix

Locura, which translates to “Craziness” in Spanish, says enough what to expect on the Latin Friday night. Grab your drink and start your weekend by enjoying the mix of Salsa, Bachata and Reggeaton. Or grab your partner or friend and dance to the hottest songs. In other words tune in and begin your weekend with Your Latin Radio.

Request a song

Do you fancy a particular song? No problem click on Request a song on the website or via the app and request your favourite songs. Can’t find a song in the search box? You can suggest a song by sending us the song details. Help us make Your Station better!

Spotify playlist

If you haven’t followed our playlist(s) yet, you can do so here. So you can enjoy more salsa, bachata and reggaeton on demand. We have weekly updates!

PlayBachata: the latest warm bachata music.

PlayReggaeton: the hottest and latest reggaeton music.

PlaySalsa: the best and latest salsa music.

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